“Don’t hire geniuses, hire capable people。”“舍天才,取良才。”
“You’re not learning if you’re comfortable。”“安逸使人落后。”
“Screw-ups will happen。 Just own them。”“见怪不怪,其怪自败。”
“Cutting corners only creates more paperwork。”“聪明反被聪明误。”
“Walk the hall rather than call。”“多走动,少电联。”
“Add value — otherwise you’re a commodity。”“不断自我增值。”
“If you don’t know, say so。”“不知为不知。”
“Always start with assuming good intentions。”“勿以小人之心度人。”
“Work like you own the company。”“做公司主人翁。”
“Need the facts? Ask a secretary!”“要数据?找秘书!”
“Know security guards, cleaners by name。”记住保安和保洁的名字。”
“Persistence has more value than qualifications。”“执着胜于资历。”
“Do one more thing than requested。”“做事想在对方前面。”
“Get the hardest part done first。”“擒贼先擒王。”
“Pretend impossibilities are possible。 They are。”“你说行就行,不行也行。”
“Fail fast。 Learn fast。 Improve fast。”“快速失败。快速学习。快速提高。”
“Avoid all paintball team-building games。”“团队建设可免则免。”
“Go outside the building to scream。”“要撒野,去外面。”
“Surprise your spouse, not your boss。”别让老板措手不及。”
“Don’t laugh while boss is ranting。”“老板咆哮别发笑。”
And speaking of bosses, how about a 42-word crash course in how to be a great one? Consider these descriptions of “the best boss I ever had。”想成为卓越的老板吗?那就继续往下看吧!下面短短几句话的`描述简直可以作为卓越领袖的速成教材。看看这些人何评论他们“曾经遇到过的最好的老板”。
“Took responsibilities very seriously, not himself。”“责任重于泰山,个人轻于鸿毛。”
“Two ears, one mouth, engaged wisely。”“少说多听,进退有度。”
“Asked for ideas, and used them。”“从善如流。”